Electronic Medical Record Registration

** for new clients only**


If you are a client who has been seen before, you will receive a link to update your current chart.


Please visit the following link from an iPad, Mac, or Windows PC. The iPad is preferred as it allows you to review and sign the consent forms and agreements:

Click here to access the client portal


If you are unable to open the client portal from your Mac or Windows computer, please follow these steps: 

    1. Close all your browsers and try the link again. 

    2. Reboot computer and try the link again. 

    3. Try a different browser or computer if available. 

    4. If you have access to an iPad, open the link provided using the iPad. 

    5.Enable Silverlight plugin: 

  • Safari - Be sure the Safari->"Private Browsing" menu item is unchecked. Then open menu item Safari->Preferences->Security and press "Manage Website Settings...". Then choose Silverlight on the left and ensure "When visiting other websites" is set to "Run in unsafe mode". 
  • Firefox - Open the "Tools->Add-ons" menu. Press "Plugins" on the left and make sure the Silverlight plugin is set to "Always Active". 
  • Internet Explorer - First be sure there is nothing that says "InPrivate" at the top by the web address. If so, restart your browser. Then press the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and choose "Manage add-ons". Then choose "All add-ons" under the "Show:" field. Then scroll down on the right and make sure the "Microsoft Silverlight" add-on is "Enabled". If running Windows XP, use Firefox.