Breast Feeding Support


Dr Jack Newman

This site offers pages and pages of reading for those interested in breastfeeding. Topics includ preparing for breastfeeding, support as well as problem solving for new and experinced moms.

    For example, here is a great link on what a good latch looks like for a newborn.



Jenn Carter - La Leche League Leader - Dublin area

La Leche League is a internation breastfeeding support organization. To learn more about their philosophy check out

For email, phone or home visit support contact


Nursing your newborn — what to expect in the early weeks

A website to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting. Here is the link to their advice for those tricky first few weeks.

Breast Pump Rentals

Most insurance companies work via this middle man company. Fill in the form and email it to me, I'll complete it and fax it over.